Wednesday 25 November 2015

Chapter 9

After reading chapter 9 on racism by Brookfield, I don’t think it is an issue of race as much as it is an issue of class. If you are a member of the upper class you would not experience racism as often as students attending public schools in a lower class neighbourhood. Racism exist is schools in the lower class neighbourhoods because these schools are predominately attended by less wealthier families. This is more of an issue in the United States. Most of the prisons in the U.S. are occupied by the poor. In Canada the families that can afford to send their children to private schools, where the class size is much smaller and more attention is paid to individual students, do not have issues with racism. The public schools are turning into daycare centers as opposed to learning centers due to lack of funding by successive governments in B.C. The instructor spent more time babysitting than teaching due to the large class sizes. Here is an interesting article on classism:

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